Choose the Best Plan for You

"94% of successful companies follow a Business Plan!"

Source: “Success and Failure Factors in Startups”; Master's Thesis - Ana Filipa Luís dos Santos

Imagine having a treasure map for your Business Idea

Our proposal includes a comprehensive package of excellence services with the purpose of providing you with essential tools with the precise coordinates for your idea to be successful.

Examples of the Structure of our Business Plan

You can view what a materialized Plan would look like, each with a unique approach for different types of business.

Note: The examples are provided for illustration purposes only, and their content is not applicable to real clients and/or businesses in order to protect confidentiality. Likewise, in terms of structure and design, these are merely indicative.

Proven Results

More than fifty satisfied clients

Businesses that surpassed their semi-annual sales target in just one month!

More than ten million in global investment

Benefits of (re)building Your Business

with FININ Consulting

Clients Who Trust Us

Be one of the few to transform your company into a success story!

Discover the path to success
Turn your idea into reality!

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We can help

From drawing up your Business Plan to optimising your profit and growth strategies – bring us your questions, we have the solutions.